الجمعة، 12 يوليو 2013

Adobe Photoshop CC 14.0 Final

أحــدث إصـدارات عمــلاق التصـمــيم بلا منــافس
Adobe Photoshop CC 14.0 Final
مع التفعيل وشرح التثبيت والتفعيل

الاســمAdobe Photoshop
الاصــدارCC 14.0 Final
الترخــيصغير مجــانـي(التفعيل مرفق)

أإصدار جديد من برنامج الفوتوشوب من الشركة العملاقة أدوبي 

أشهر وأقوى برنامج لتصميم الصور على الإطلاق وغني عن التعريف فى إصدار يعتبر الأقوى من أدوبي
وهو الإصدار ما بعد الـCS6

Adobe Photoshop - a program for processing raster graphics. Supports numerous graphic formats. Adobe Photoshop allows you to create new images and edit them. Photoshop used to create photorealistic images to work with color scanned images, retouching, color correction, transformation of graphs, color separation, etc. Adobe Photoshop has all the methods of working with bitmaps, in this case is to work with layers and uses contours. The program is the undisputed leader among professional graphic editors due to its widest possibilities, high efficiency and speed. Adobe Photoshop provides all the necessary tools for correcting, editing, preparing images for printing and high quality output.

New features in Photoshop CC are listed below:

NEW Easier by Photoshop. Photoshop ® CC part of Creative Cloud ™. Therefore, it is available to users all the latest updates, and access to new versions available from the date of issue. Publishing capabilities in the cloud can organize your files on multiple computers. Through integration with the Behance ® can share their projects with other users directly from the program Photoshop CC and receive instant feedback on their work from designers from all over the world.

Year: 2013

الشرح مرفوع على Picxat


1- نفك الضغط

2-نفتح البرنامج






8- لا تنسى أن تضع اللغة English يدعم العربية




12-ننقل الباتش إلى ملف البرنامج

13- نفتح الباتش

14- تم التفعيل

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